Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Holidays!

I can't believe Christmas has come and gone!  We had a wonderful Christmas .... our family was all together which was a great gift.

I have some news to share; however, I do so cautiously because in the past, we've experienced a few bumps in the road that have slowed/stopped progress.

My donor search coordinator has worked diligently and found cord blood units that are considered a safe match for me.  I was actually told that getting a transplant was probably not an option for me, so we starting looking for other avenues to keep my aggressive form of leukemia in remission.  I was all set to take part in a clinical trial and had an appointment on 1/23. 

Our prayers are getting answered!  The search coordinator notified us that cords have been found that are considered safe with my antibodies.  My appointment is now on 1/24 to start the transplant procedure!!   I really need your prayers more than ever now!!

PLEASE pray that I stay healthy until my appointment time.  Also I need prayer that the cord units will be safe and my body will accept the cells as my own.  This is my opportunity to be cured!!

One more thing ... my insurance will change to a different company effective 1/1/12.  I'm not sure what effects this will have, please pray this will be an easy transition and that Seattle will remain "in network".

God bless you all.