Friday, November 11, 2011

Hi all .... I hope this update finds you well!!  Not much going on in Omaha right now .... still just waiting for my donor to be found.  My counts have recovered some so I'm not so weak.

I wanted to thank all of you for coming out to register for the bone marrow registry.  You have NO idea how much that means to me .... one of you could give me the gift of life!!!  

There were two drives and they were both very successful!!  There are now approximately 450 new potential donors!!  That is awesome!  If you didn't make it to one of the drives, you can still sign up to be a donor at  A kit is sent directly to your house, you simply swab your cheeks and return in the envelope provided.  There is an age restriction (18-60) ... because of this we actually turned many people away so the number registered at the drives would have been even higher.

Please remember my family and me in your prayers.  In addition to the prayers for a donor, it is important that I stay well until a donor can be found.  

I have great news that isn't health related!!  My youngest daughter, Ashley, is moving back to Omaha!!  She will actually be back before Thanksgiving!  I have a lot to be thankful for!!

Thanks for your support and concern!!  God bless you!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Donor Drives this Weekend

Last week over 250 people joined the registry! Let's keep it going this weekend :) Please come to one of the donor drives and potentially save my life or someone's life! Join Be the Match

Omaha, NE:
Sunday, November 6, 2011
4814 Oaks Lane (between 120th and 132nd at old “L” street), Omaha, NE

San Francisco, CA:
Saturday, November 5, 2011
St. Mary's Cathedral Event Center
1111 Gough St.
**this is also a Team in Training event, Leukemia Lymphoma Society**